Bilateral Vasectomy Medical Sample Report


1.  Desire for elective sterilization.
2.  Left scrotal mass.

1.  Desire for elective sterilization.
2.  Left scrotal mass.

1.  Bilateral vasectomy.
2.  Excision of left cord lipoma.

SURGEON:  John Doe, MD



1.  Cord lipoma.
2.  Bilateral vas deferens.

INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION:  The patient is a (XX)-year-old male with a desire for elective sterilization. He is also complaining of a left scrotal mass, which on ultrasound looked to be benign; however, this continued to bother the patient, so he elected to have this resected at the same time. After all the risks and benefits and expected outcomes were explained to the patient, he agreed to proceed.

DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION:  The patient was brought to the operative suite. He was given a general anesthetic without complication. The patient’s genitalia was shaved, prepped, and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A longitudinal incision was made in the midline of the scrotum. The left scrotal contents were then exposed first. There was a small hydrocele around the left testicle, which was drained. The testicle was delivered into the incision. The vas deferens was readily identified. The cord lipoma was carefully dissected free from the testicular and spermatic cord structures, leaving the arterial supply intact.

Once this was done, the vas deferens was identified and isolated. Hemostats were placed proximally and distally, and approximately a 1.5 cm section was removed. The free ends were then tied off using 2-0 silk sutures. Once this was done and all bleeding points were cauterized, the testicle was delivered back into the left scrotum. Once this was done, the right vas deferens was delivered into the same incision. Approximately a 1.5 cm segment was again isolated and removed. The two free ends again were tied off using 2-0 silk. The wound was irrigated.

Once both ends were well separated, the dartos was closed using 3-0 chromic running in a locking fashion, and the skin was closed using a 2-0 chromic in a vertical interrupted mattress style fashion. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.