Welcome to MT (Medical Transcription) Sample Reports

MT Sample Reports is a resource site for medical transcriptionists and allied health professionals. This website offers resources primarily in the form of transcribed sample medical reports across various medical specialties and/or common medical transcription words and phrases encountered in specific sections that form part of a medical report – sections such as physical examination or PE, review of systems or ROS, laboratory data, mental status exam, among others.

Please note that all the medical transcription sample reports found on this site have been provided for reference purposes only and are to be used for educational and reference purposes exclusively. The information contained here should certainly not be construed as medical advice in any manner.

Also do note that all personally identifiable information has been suitably modified/deleted/changed to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality in accordance with industry standards. The formats may vary based on client preferences and may include variations such as subheading variations (text following the colon versus flush left below), format for physical exam and review of systems (flush left format versus paragraph format).

Resources and Sample Reports for MT (Medical Transcriptionists):

Medical Transcription Sample Reports (Blog)

Medical Transcription Sample Reports (Google Sites)

Medical Transcription Samples (Google Sites)

Medical Transcription Word Help

Google Custom Search Engine for Medical Transcriptionists (Searches Medical Websites and Websites of Interest to Medical Transcriptionists Exclusively):

Medical Transcription Word Seeker – Google Custom Search for Medical Transcriptionists

TOP TIP:  Cannot find the word or sample report you are looking for? Type your query in the search box on the sidebar and hit enter. This would initiate a search across this blog as well as other related medical transcription blogs and resource websites to find you the word you’re looking for.